

Caribou Antler

This 39.7 Gigapixel, 150 nm/pixel dataset of a caribou (Rangifer tarandus) antler was acquired on a Zeiss FE-SEM with backscattered electrons and secondary electrons.

Details39.7 Gigapixels, 295.9k x 134.1k, 44.50 mm x 20.17 mm, 150 nm/pixel

Caribou Jawbone

This 159.8 Gigapixel, 100 nm/pixel dataset of a caribou (Rangifer tarandus) jaw bone was acquired on a ZEISS NVision 40 CrossBeam FIB/SEM with backscattered electrons.

Details159.8 Gigapixels, 477.2k x 334.8k, 47.61 mm x 33.41 mm, 100 nm/pixel

Primate Brain

This 59.9 Gigapixel, 150 nm/pixel dataset of a primate brain was acquired on a ZEISS NVision 40 CrossBeam FIB/SEM with secondary electrons.

Details59.9 Gigapixels, 297.0k x 201.7k, 44.54 mm x 30.25 mm, 150 nm/pixel